I'm 26, the guy is 27 (we are 6 months apart), I'm female.
So I met this guy in one of my classes for graduate school; let's call him Bobby. Bobby is from another country, and I speak the language of his country fluently (read & write too).
Bobby doesn't have a car, so I sent him an e-mail offering to give him a ride to our last class and he accepted, and seemed very grateful as well. When Bobby got in the car, he told me he had a dream with me in it. I asked Bobby what it was about and he said he couldn't tell me. Bobby didn't say it in a gross way or anything, and we left it at that. That's when I first got the inkling that Bobby may like me. I also told him that we cannot help what we dream. I'm also not sure if he really had the dream or one of his room mates may have told him to say that to me to see what my reaction would be. We talked about other things during the car ride, nothing out-of-the-ordinary.
So, probably about a week later, I told Bobby to come study with some of us in the class for our final (which would be that day after) and he did and we all studied and everything, I sat next to him everything went well, and I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up the next morning to come in to school for our final exam in that class. Bobby said yes, was pretty happy about it, had a huge, genuine smile on his face. I picked him up the next morning, we talked in the car, and we took our final.
We had a cocktail party for our department at our school and I asked Bobby if he was coming and he said yes, and he was there. Neither of us were drunk, in fact, I only had four tiny sips of a Jack and Coke and then 3-4 bottles of water. We went to get drinks together and we talked a lot, I felt a LOT of chemistry and Bobby came pretty close to me, put his hands on my back to direct me to see one of our professors (cause I didn't see where our professor was). One of my friends at the party also mentioned to me how close Bobby was getting to me. I asked Bobby then if he wanted to come with me to one of my friend's birthday "party" the next night and he smiled and said yes and even seemed kinda surprised I guess. So at the end of the cocktail party, I asked Bobby if he wanted a ride home from us (my parents and sister came) and he said no that he'd take the bus, but I insisted and asked my dad and he was like "sure!". While we were driving, my parents were like "why don't you just come to our house and sleep there and he was like "ok". We all talked in the car, and it seemed like everyone was comfortable (since all of my family speaks his language as well, we all spoke to each other in his language). During the car ride, he mentioned that he had a fiancee and she left him. Nobody asked any questions or prodded him, but it seemed like this happened to him around a year ago. So it seemed like everyone got along and no one was uncomfortable.
When we got to my house we sat and talked (not just me and him, but my sister, mom and my dad too for a bit). He loved my dogs and joked with me that he was going to take one of them back with him (a few times). One of our mutual friends came over (she has a boyfriend but he's in Africa) and we watched a movie. After the movie was over at about 12:45 am Bobby and our mutual friend said the were going to go because Bobby had to go to work at 9am the next morning and it was 1/2 an hour from our house and our mutual friend lived close to where he was going to work (our mutual friend has two room mates). We offered for both of them to sleep over beforehand and I told him beforehand that I would drive him to work the next morning. I'm pretty sure he just didn't want to inconvenience me and I didn't want to push it having him sleepover and feel uncomfortable maybe. Bobby and our mutual friend aren't together and I severely doubt anything happened with them that night (I would bet my life on it).
So the next day, my friend called who was having her birthday celebration that night and told me when and where it would be. I e-mailed Bobby letting him know the info and to call or e-mail me when he was done with work (he was actually helping a friend with a lot of yard work with some other foreign students). Well, he didn't contact me, so I called his phone probably around 6pm and left a message. He called back soon after that he was still there, and was not sure when he would be able to get back to his place to wash off. I asked him if he wanted to go and that I would pick him up and take him to his apartment for him to wash off and he said that was good. I knew he was tired and when I went to get him I even asked if he really wanted to go b/c I knew he was tired and he said he would accommodate me (he didn't say it in a mean or odd way). I told him that we would just stay for like 1/2 hour then and I told him that I felt bad. So we only stayed for 1/2 hour and I drove him home just around midnight. We talked during the car ride, I didn't feel uncomfortable or get any negative vibes or anything from him.
He's told me before that I'm different than other American girls.
He told me how normal my family was compared to other families he's visited that have the same ethnic background living in America. I told him jokingly that he just doesn't know my family that well yet

At the cocktail party my dad put in a bid in a silent auction for a sweater and coffee mug and he "won" and Bobby said he like the color of the shirt on girls and when girls wear those types of colors (again, he said it in a respectful way.)
He is really a true gentleman.
He hasn't kissed me or tried or held my hand or anything like that.
He really is a very nice and sweet guy (I know, I know, but he really is).
Nothing has seemed fake about him at all, he seems to me like an incredibly genuine person. I have also been truthful and honest with him, I'm not making myself to be anything more than I am.
He is somewhat shy and reserved, as am I. I can't even believe I was able to ask him to my friend's party- I felt so proud of myself to have that confidence; I've never asked a guy out before!
He doesn't brag and I'm like that too.
He doesn't have a lot of money, but I don't care because all I care about is a nice guy.
He's really smart.
So far, I've been initiating everything and he hasn't called me or e-mailed me (except for calling or e-mailing me back) or asked me to go anywhere. I feel like he probably hasn't asked me to go anywhere because he doesn't have a car and may feel weird asking me and then having me come pick him up. Our professor e-mailed us in the beginning of the week that our grades were in and I wanted to e-mail him and ask how he did, but I decided to wait and see if he would contact me to ask, but he never did. Right now, I'm not contacting him b/c I don't want to seem desperate or crazy (I'm not even though this is a novel). I also feel like maybe he didn't call/e-mail me this week because of his fiancee leaving him probably not so long ago (~1 year ago I estimate) and he's afraid to get into a relationship. But when we talk and are together it seems like he likes me and I do like him and he's the first guy I could ever consider being boyfriend (or even more in the future, who knows??) material. The ball is in his court and I'm waiting for him to make the next move (very hopefully!)
So, what is up with this guy? Does he like me (cause I really feel like he does)? Why doesn't he call or even just e-mail me, even about something neutral like how I did in the class?
I will see him this Saturday at a graduation party and hopefully we will keep hitting it off.
So that is all the info I could think of, sorry it's so long but I wanted to give as many details as possible! THANKS FOR ANY ADVICE AND ANSWERS!!!