Hello again Raven!

Regarding the ring, men wear wedding rings, don't they?
But not all men!
My Dad wouldn't wear one and my husband didn't want one, because, traditionally, it was the women who wore them.
(Actually, I lost my wedding ring many years ago, which is a shame.)
Why not get your boyfriend something special, but that doesn't bother him as a ring might?
When we were young, and my husband was my boyfriend, I bought him a little neck-chain, with a St Christopher or something like that. Would your boyfriend prefer that, if it were something special, that he could wear to remind him of you, perhaps?
Actually, rings can be dangerous. My Dad's friend lost a finger when his ring caught in something at work. I think that this was one of the the reasons my Dad wouldn't wear one.
When my husband used to work away a lot, I used to study, write, read, work on my family tree, write letters, see friends & relatives, visit interesting places, take photographs, watch TV, listen to music, etc. I actually wrote a romantic novel.
I didn't like it at all, when he was away, so I know how you feel.