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Ok, hi everyone! Most of you know me by my old name: Raven. No worries, you guys can still call me that, but I changed it due to privacy issues (don't ask XD).
So I'm in a real mess because of my own stupidy and in my opinion, my own selfishness.
For those of you who know me, you guys know that I'm categorized as being 'emo' because I have scars on my arms.
So here's the story:
Last week Saturday my boyfriend and I went out and had a great time together. We went to his place afterwards to have some quality time with each other. So we're sitting in his room talking, and thenwe started kissing and such. And after it all, I've got this VERY visible bruise on my neck.
On Monday my father confronted me about it and he was beyond furious with me! He deems that I'm too young (um, hello, I'm 16 in 19 days!) to get that 'intimate' with a boy. And that just pushed me over the edge. When that happened, I went up to my dad and confessed that I feel that I'm not mentally stable and showed him my scars. Now I don't know if I was being brave or being foolish. But whatever I was trying to be, it made my father fly into a rage. I was scared he was going to hit me.
But I managed to make him calm down. So, this means I might go back to my psychologist and possibly get booked into the SAME clinic my boyfriend was in.
I told my boyfriend about this and he understands. I told him to just take it easy until I recover and he accepts it. He says that if I do end up in the clinic, he'll come visit me once a week. He's being very supportive towards me and is trying to make me feel better.
BUT! yeah, but... the thing is that my dad wants to have a 'talk' with us concerning the whole bruise incident.
What do I do? I don't want my father to take my boyfriend away from me. I'm deeply in love with him (although my dad says I'm too young to know what love is) and we are 11 months together today... so I don't want to lose him because of a xxxxxxxx mark! I accept full responsibility for what happened... but now it affects two main events between me and my boyfriend:
1) Valentine's Day we celebrate 1 year together and my boyfriend was planning soemthing big. Now we don't know if it will happen.
2) My bf asked me to go to his Matric (grade 12) Ball with him and I don't know if my dad will let me go.
Help, please?
Last edited by PDM; 01/15/09 12:46 AM.
"My name is my law"
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I am familiar with your history. I will try to be as honest as I can be in my opinion. I am a very progressive thinking person who raised my children to think for themselves and try to make smart decisions. I would tell them the same thing I am about to tell you.
I believe you may have been telling your father what you did in the heat of the moment for several reasons. Perhaps you suddenly felt the love and trust and knew he had your best interest at heart. This has been on your mind and you went with your daughterly instincts. You might also have been trying to hurt a little, but I sense you love him and you know he loves you and you trust him.
I see no reason why you should stop trusting him now and doubt his abilities to handle the discussion with your boy friend and you in a loving and RESPONSIBLE way. After all, you are in charge of your actions, but he IS still in charge of your life and is reponsible for you. The decisions he makes and helps you make could affect your life irriversibly. You have basically asked him for his help. You need to trust someone. You would not have told him and you would not be going back to the clinic where you can get help if you didn't believe you NEED the help. If you believe you NEED the help then you have taken the first and hardest step toward healing. You have admitted that you CANNOT do it alone. Accept his help with trust and faith. You are 16 but despite how you feel that is still very young. You have a lot of living to do and plenty of time to figure out everything. If your guy is worth it he will be there no matter what and wait if he has to. At your age everything seems to take on MAJOR implications. You may feel as if one small action will mean dire consequences but that is not the case. Everything is a small ripple in the water of life if you understand it to be that way. If you make it a tidle wave, it will be so. You have control overy how you percieve things. If you feel you don't have control then this clinic will help you to do figure things out.
Having said that, I believe your Dad is not so worried about the fact that you have a boyfriend or that you love him or that he kissed you.
He is probably worried about the rough handling that it took to put a bruise on your neck. Perhaps it is consensual roughness. You have not said if you are sexually active but bruises would lead one to think that there may be an element of that involved.
I am sure your Dad wants to understand if you are sexually active and if you BOTH are taking responsibility for that.
He probably feels, (and rightly so) that you are too young for that kind of relationship.
If you are active or if your not and if he does or doesn't agree is not the point.
You have asked for his help and told him that his 16 year old daughter is in need of psychological help.
Naturally he wants to do everything to help you and that means making sure that someone is not being to rough or agressive with you and hurting you.
Naturally he wants to make sure that someone is not taking advantage of you.
He also probably wants to make sure that if you are sexually active that it does not involve some kind of rough sex practice which can prove fatal.
If you are not sexually active then he probably wants to protect you from situations that can lead to that and get out of hand. (As your bruises may be indicateing it will)
He may want to make it clear to your boyfriend that you both are underage and to understand exactly what the situation is between the two of you. He probably wants to know if you care for each other and this is your chance to let him know what you feel and that you ARE responsible and making smart decisions. Hopefully you are.
Naturally he is concerned that your 19 year old boyfriend respects you and that you both are protected from unwanted pregnancy and disease by BOTH of you taking precautions and using protection and prevention.
I am not making judgements here about the pros and cons of whether you are or are not intimate. I am saying from your Father's point of view, he wants to weigh in and help you make responsible decisions and let you know what he thinks. He wants to know who your boyfriend is and where he is coming from. You would expect no less from your father if he is "a good father" and diserves your trust. He has a lot of experience and this is what it is good for; (HELPING HIS CHILD).
Lastly I would tell you, this is about the rest of your life, not just a date for Valentines day or a Graduation dance. Be as patient with your father as you want him to be with you. Listen to him and have faith in his love. He is best equipped to judge the kind of man that should be involved with his daughter. After all, he is a man. He will probably let you know what he thinks of your choice. It may not be what you want to hear. I am sure he will worry about your welfare first and also be concerned about your feelings and love for this boy. Listen to all that he has to say carefully. Don't rush to make judgements or to feel he is against you and your relationship. He is going to be for you and your welfare first of all, and that is what you need MOST right now. He is aware that includes your love and emotions for this boy. It is his job to access the most important things for your welfare first and in order of importance.
All of the rest will come in good time and I do not feel you will loose anything. You will only gain your mental health and with that happiness and joy. Let it happen and DON'T fight it.
Most of all in this process, Don't loose your cool and scream and cry and accuse him of not understanding. Show your "adultness" and your ability to disearve his trust by discussing and appreciating his position. In a parents eyes, they have only one chance to do it right. You have many years to benefit from these decisions and learn the path and get it right.
Good for you that you showed this courage, it is not going to be easy, but the beginning of the rest of your live has begun on the right foot, "if you allow it too".
 Cookie and Sweetie
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True Blue Soulmate
True Blue Soulmate
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Hi there. I think that Jo has given some very good advice. Does your father know about your boyfriend? Has he ever said that he was against you having a boyfriend? I think most parents would be worried about love bites and what they might lead to ~ or what they might already have led to. I agree that you need to be calm, mature and honest. Good luck! 
"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.
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Thanks for the helpful pieces of advice. I'll try and stick by it to the best of my abbility.
Just a correction quickly: my boyfriend is currently 17 and will only be 18 later this year.
To ma'am PDM: My dad knows I have a boyfriend and has met him quite a long time ago. He isn't against me having a boyfriend, but he did say that I should be 16 FIRST before I got involved with someone. But he bent that rule.
"My name is my law"
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True Blue Soulmate
True Blue Soulmate
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Good luck when you both speak with him 
"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.
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God knows that I need far more than luck. But you see, my father has cut me from chatting virtually with all my friends, including my boyfriend (which is our main way of communicating because it's cheaper). This is making me really lonely, especially being robbed of words with my boyfriend. I'm missing him terribly. But my father believes that until I recover, I'm having no virtual contact.
What do I do?
"My name is my law"
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True Blue Soulmate
True Blue Soulmate
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I can only suggest talking to him in a calm, mature & responsible way. He may then take your words on board.
"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.
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Listen to them ashes. I know who you are really. but because of security issues who spoke of at the top, i'm calling you ashes in here. Anyway, they are giving you great advice, even though most of us have no idea what your going through, or wouldn't know how to handle it, we're just giving the best possible solution. I, for one, wouldn't know what to do is i couldn't see my own gf(if i had one that young). I know though. It's hurt when you can't see you own bf/gf when you really want to, and your parents cut off all communication, ok i don't know that is, cause I never delt with that. But if I know one thing, my dad has been and still is someone I look up to when I'm in a jam. And even though sometimes he brings me down, it's just to bring me up stronger.
Lee Willam Huntley IV DJ Jah Man Love one another, and God
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Everyone, I'm sorry to say that it's hopeless. My dad told me to tell him that it's over between us.
This is so unfair! My father didn't even ask me if I had feelings for him! he doesn't care if I love my boyfriend with all my heart!
All because of one stupid mistake... and now I'm paying for it with the most valuable emotion... I really feel xxxx...
Last edited by PDM; 01/17/09 10:00 PM.
"My name is my law"
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True Blue Soulmate
True Blue Soulmate
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I am so sorry to hear this. Your Dad is probably just worried about you and frightened that you will become, or have become, sexually active. Try to understand him. Perhaps, although you should accept this, maybe you could find a time ~ when your father has calmed down ~ to talk to him and explain. Or maybe you could put it in writing? Or how about asking your aunt to help out here ~ would that be possible?
"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.
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