Actually yes i was having the dreams but no its not the same person. Ive known this guy a lot longer. he should trust him to be with me, i think he just doesnt trust me. He could be, i think he might think im too young, but my mother says that it has nothing to do with his friend, that he is gonna keep me away from every guy he can. I dont ask my brother because whenever i bring it up, he changes the subject. This guy will be around for a while so when im a little older i can talk to him and not have to worry about my brother. Maybe your right maybe as time passes and he sees that we are able to be trusted enough to be alone, he will loosen up a little. But i could wait forever for this guy, so i suppose its not really an issue, except that its hard to be without him.

Ainsi obscurité, l'escroc de l'homme