Ex-boyfriend Advice

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
Me and my ex have dated for 2 years and recently broke up about a month ago. We were perfectly fine and had an awesome relationship. We both moved to another town together to start something new, and things slowly went downhill from there. He started treatin me differently after a while and I started to get really worried and was constantly questioning him about our relationship. He said I was slowly pushing him away by doin that, and that he didn't want to feel "tied down", but before we moved he was always talking about our future together. Things began to get really bad and we started fighting ALOT! It started to really push him away until he broke up with me. I don't blame the breakup all on him, I know I needed to work on somethings myself, but now we are both in this other town and I feel like I can't even hang out with the group of friends we have here because they are his friends too. I basically feel all alone, while he's out doin whatever and having fun. I know we are still freshly out of this relationship, but he said he just needed his space to figure out what he wants. He called me about a couple weeks after we broke up and said he has thought about a lot and if we were to get back together he would be scared we would fall back into why we broke up in the first place, and then we would just have to go thru another break up all over again.. but then he says he feels if he doesn't take another chance with me, he might not know what he missed out on. So I've been tryin to limit myself on contacting him, as hard as it's been. I finally texted him last night after not talking for about 2 weeks. I was just friendly and didn't really talk about much.. just basically what he's been up to and how he's been. Then I told him I didn't want things to be awkward b/w us and I'm always going to be his friend. I said I missed him and asked if he ever thinks about anything. Thats when he answered "At times, but I have to go. I will talk to you later." I don't understand him and what do you think this shows? I feel like if I'm not the one to try to have a little conversation somehow, he won't. I don't know how to handle the situation of me tryin to prove to him I can change my ways and try this relationship a 2nd time without bein too pushy! I just miss him a lot and I want to make things right so he will consider giving this another shot!


RomanceClass.com Advice
Your need to get some communication going.

Ask him if it is ok for you to call him once a week for 15 mins just to see how each other are doing. You can also take advantage of the time to tell him you miss him so he is clear about that. Be cheerful and positive and try not to go over 15 min or he'll feel like you are pushing it.

Hopefully things will go your way! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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