Is he flirting with me?

Visitor's Question from a 16-20 year old Female
I'm 19, and I'm totally confused about my friend. I don't know if he's flirting with me, or if I'm just imagining things.

I realized that I liked my friend about a year ago. Before this, I hadn't talked with him much. I wasn't sure what we had in common, and I was determined to find out. So in a year, I went from "acquaintance" to "good friend". I think that's something that I can be relatively proud of! I don't know why I originally liked him, but... I like him much more now. I want to tell him how I feel, but I'm afraid. Mostly I am worried that he doesn't really like me at all. I am aware that you can't answer that. However, I realize that I can look for signs that he's flirting with me, except I have no idea what those are. So maybe you can help me understand those behaviors?

We have mutual friends, one of which is very close to him. I was talking to this mutual friend and he jokingly said that our friend really liked me. Later he said that I was the topic of their conversations, usually. I wasn't sure what to think of either of those statements. My friend and I do happen to talk a lot and spend a lot of time together when we meet up-- recently we went out for food, perused a bookstore, ate ice cream, and walked back to my place where he helped me with a project-- but those are things that I think he'd do with anyone. He does tease me about people wanting to go out with me even though they probably don't and the only time I ever questioned this, he said that he didn't want to get into my pants, and changed the subject.

The only thing that I could really call flirting is that he never takes his eyes off of me and he'll do things specifically to make me laugh. If I catch him staring, he'll make that universal sign for "I'm watching you", you know, where you point two fingers towards your eyes and then one towards the person you're watching? He never looks away, even if I do. And he'll do things purposely to make me laugh, which isn't hard, but he does them anyway.

I don't know if he's flirting or not. But I would like to have another opinion on the matter. Advice
He's flirting. Take advantage of it.

Good luck! George

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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Flirt with him

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