She's a Gold Digger

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
My girlfriend broke up with me over money. It's as simple as that. I don't make enough and she wants to retire now and travel the world. Everything else was great, every part of our relationship was the best. She still tells me she loves me and that I was the best, kindest, sweetest...etc, etc. I am building my own business and have been putting my money into it.

While I took her places, paid for everything the entire time together, it wasn't enough. She has told me that it was just because I didn't bring home enough money. 20 months gone in a second.

Everyone tells me get over it, move on, she's a gold digger, etc. But I really love her. It's been two months now, and I'm no farther along than the day she broke it off. I could use some advice. Advice
It can easily take months and months to get over a relationship, so don't beat yourself up over not being over it yet. Every breakup takes a while to get through the emotions that come along with it.

Yes, she was a gold digger and a jerk. There are MILLIONS of people on the planet - if not BILLIONS - that get by on $2 a day and find really happy lives. Many people are simply happy to have someone they love in their life, a roof over their head. Food on their table. For her to demand EXOTIC TRIPS is completely out of line. What is she, a princess that needs to be waited on? Why isn't SHE supplying the money for these luxurious trips? I know plenty of women who take care of themselves. If she is so slimy and weak that she needs a guy to "pay her way" then she deserves whatever disastrous pain awaits her in her future. But YOU deserve someone who is much more caring and loving.

Believe me, there are plenty of women out there who simply want a guy that cares for them and loves them. This ex of yours was a slimeball and it's lucky you only wasted a few months on her. When you find a new, wonderful girlfriend, this ex of yours will become a running joke - someone you were lucky to escape from before she really caused you harm.

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at

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