Have a fling?

Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
My husband and I have been married for nearly 6 years, together for almost 8. Last May he took a job in another city, closer to his family. We just bought a house (between his sister and mom) and I just got a job closer to the new place. My problem: It's complicated.
There's only room in a marriage for two people. But now that we are living so close to his family we are always with them. It bugs me and he knows it. We're never alone. There is no sex life.
Enter a friend of ours who I've known as long as my husband and who've I've been attracted to for sometime. We flirt all the time, but since he is married to I never thought anything more of it. Well, this week he made a pass and I accepted. So far there hasn't been anything more than kissing, fondling and talking. I miss the talking with my husband.
Anyway, I'm thinking of taking this new relationship further. I really don't see the harm since I am leaving in a week and will probably not see this other man. As long as my husband doesn't find out, I feel no guilt.
What should I do?

RomanceClass.com Advice
You run the risk of hurting four or more people if you have this fling. The temptation and anticipation are very strong I am sure. My advice is not to do it.

You need to deal with the problems with your husband directly and not by cheating behind his back. Get marriage counseling if need be.

Hope this helps!

-- from George
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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