I'm Shy, how do I talk with her?

Visitor's Question from a 13-15 year old Male
I'm kind of shy, and am not comfortable around girls. I was wondering what I could do to meet a girl or become more comfortable around girls. I also wanted to know what the best way to talk to a girl is. This brings me to my main question. There is this girl at school who i like a lot. How can I talk to her being as shy as i am?

RomanceClass.com Advice
I've put together a how-to for guys that want to get to know a girl -


the basic answer is that you want to build up your friendship slowly, so that she looks on you as someone she is comfortable around. You have guy friends, I assume! A girl is no different than a guy in most regards, so it's all in your brain. You worry about how a girl will react but you don't worry how a guy will react. So you need to remind your brain that as far as *getting to know her*, she is a PERSON just like any other person.

So work on getting to know her, to be her friend, just like you would with any other person. If you need to practice, practice on girls that you are NOT romantically interested. Just talk to them and be nice. The more you realize that being a friend is about the person and not about the boy/girl part, the easier it will be for you to talk to girls in general. And the better you get at talking to girls, the easier it will be for you to talk to a girl you are interested in.

-- from Jenn
One of Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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Practise with invisible girl
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