She told me it was because I've gotten too worried about everything and too depressed

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
About a month ago, my girlfriend broke up with me. She told me it was because I've gotten too worried about everything and too depressed. Anyways, she lied to me and told me it was only temporary. But then a couple of weeks later, she told me she didn't love me like that anymore. Then another couple of weeks had passed and she told me I had a chance with her again. Now she has a boyfriend, yet she still says I have a chance with her if I went back to the old me, which I can do (because I got help for my depression, so I'm better with that part). But now she's not sure about going back out with me even if I did change. She knows that I want her back and everything, but she said she needed to think whether she would take me back if I changed. It seems like she is confused about her feelings for me.

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
stay strong

I understand how it is to want someone so bad but it feels like you can not get them. It does not help to keep asking her or bringing it up. Don't act like can't live with out her because most girls find that as a turn off. You have just received help for depression, so your heart is still a little sensitive. Don't torture your heart by getting your hopes up on this girl becuase she is not guaranteed to come back to you. Be friendly but give her her space. Let her come to you when she is ready. That way you know it is meant to be. In the mean time, look around. You will probably find that there is someone else you will spark your interest and wont keep you confused on if they want you are not. Remember to always stay strong

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