when you are depressed or upset sometimes its good to start with a clean slate

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Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Female
my boyfriend and I have been dating for two and a half years on October 4, 2005. on October 24, 2005 he told me he wanted space. Now we both are from new Orleans and went through Katrina and we were separated for weeks at a time. But he would cry on the phone to me, tell me he missed me, wanted me home. We had the most perfect relationship. We cared for each other, we loved each other, we did a lot of things together, I couldn’t have asked for a better relationship. He said it wasn’t about me, or us, he said he saw a psychologist who told him when you are depressed or upset sometimes its good to start with a clean slate. He told me things could work out or they couldn’t. well Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday pass and on Thursday I moved back to the new Orleans are and we agreed to see eachother Friday night. So we did, and I bawled oh god did I bawl. I cried in his arms. And he said all week he would remember me and things I liked and think “oh she would like this” or “she would want this in our apartment one day” and he said that moment when I laid my head on my shoulder he said all he wanted to do was carry me upstairs and stuck me in bed. And he asked me to get back together. We hugged and kissed and it was incredible. So we said our goodbyes for the night and I went upstairs to my apartment and took the best shower in my life and laid in bed with a smile on my face. Then he called me when he got home and said he thinks he made a mistake and things didn’t feel right when he left. So we agreed he was just tired and exhausted and to sleep on it. So the next day (Saturday) he called me and said “hey baby im at the game in baton rouge I’ll call you when I get home from brads tonight” well… no call. Sunday passed, still no call.. Monday (Halloween) and Tuesday I called him for like the 7th time and he answered. (now over the past few days ive called and left him messages and I know he got them b/c I requested a receipt) I calmly asked “where have you been” and he said “around” and well.. he said he wasn’t ready to come back.
Well yesterday (Friday nov. 4) we had lunch and I have him his birthday presents (a fom pillow from brookestone and hot choc and marshmallows from Williams sonsoma b/c he loves them, his 18th is tomorrow the 6th) and we talked and he said he had a date that night. Well I couldn’t be mad b/c I had a “date” with an old friend of mind too. Well even after all of that we had sex. And it was incredible. And then we went our separate ways again and I called him after he left and told him we made a mistake, we shouldn’t have done that.. and I felt like sh*t. And well I haven’t really heard from him since. (its only been a day)
Im 17, he is 18. we had love, we were very much so in love. We planned our college life together…. What is going on?

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
Don't prolong the pain

i know exactly ow you feel my boyfriend of 3 years is going through the same thing he is very depressed and hot and cold we break up and then he comes back and tells me he loves me and im his soul mate and he wants to marry me he has also been to a councler and it helped him alot then he just went back in to his depressed state and broke it off again so i am very confused as we hasd a perfect relationship also and were very in love but my advice is to leave it for a while he may come o his senses and he may not but do not prolong the pain as you will both end up hurting yourselves good luck

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