I just need to know that there's a better tomorrow

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Original Visitor's Question from a 51-60 year old Female
I'm about ready to give up on life, I have no where to turn to as far as someone to just listen to me. I'll try not to make this too long...but can tell as I write this, it WILL be long....please be patient, I just need to talk to someone before I do something drastic to myself. Here goes..... I'm in love, I am not disabled, but am in love with a wonderful sweet man who is (I'll call him John)..... Here's his story..... he's suffered 2 strokes, he lives on SSD, very limited financially (I've helped him with his meds and just trying to survive) because he's still young and not qualified as a senior yet...in other words he's limited in financial help, he lives in the eastern states where he's very very unhappy and there's no one in his family who cares one way or another about him. He walks to the store in order to bring in food to eat, he can walk, but it's difficult.....me on the other hand....I live on the pacific coast, I found this wonderful man by way of a dating site, his profile caught my eye...he loves animals....that's all she wrote as far as I'm concerned, because I'm an animal lover. I've corresponded with John for 6 months, for 2 months now, we've been talking 2 times a day on the phone. He's proved to me that he's a nice gentleman, he's not wanting me for anything else except companionship. I've been dealt with horrible people in my life and this so called computer dating, but, John is truly in love with me and respects me. Anyhow, we're both trying so very hard to save money. I work 40hrs a week, but earn just enough to stay alive, help my elderly folks (my mom has cancer) and keep myself and my animals going. Both John and I want a life together, we both want to be happy. We figured it will take 2 yrs for this to happen, I'm willing to wait forever if only I can be certain I'll be with him, and finally find genuine love. It's the inbetween stuff that's taking a toll on me, it's knowing that he's at a place where no one cares about him, he's alone and bitter. I can't do a thing to help him, except to try to support him. I try to send money when he needs to go to the Dr's and has to pay for bus fare in getting there, I try to do the little things to improve his life....but even that's becoming difficult. I'm looking for another part time job to supplement my income. I'm not sure if I can handle working 2 jobs, plus personal issues, but I'll try. I know I'm not being used, because John's offered to pay me back for what I've given him, I declined and told him to put it in his "escape fund" as I call it. Whoever is reading my story....I'm not asking for much except moral support. Everytime I think of our situation, I'm constantly thinking of the classic Romeo and Juliet. 2 people who long to be together, but the environment keeps us apart, and there's no guarantees that at the end of our struggles, there will ever be a happly ever after. I know everyones dealt with tough blows and hard times, I know and realize this, but what do you do when you find yourself at the age of 45, never married, but always longed to be loved and respected? What do you do when you've found such love, but he's out of reach? How do you go on when you're longing for a loved one to live a happy life, and you grieve along with him? This may sound cowerdly, but sometimes a more perminent option seems to be the only outlet I have when I hurt inside. I just need moral support from someone, just need to know that there's a better tomorrow.

Thank you for your time, I'm sorry I've written such a lengthy letter, but I needed someone to talk to....
God Bless,

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Run where the wind blows you

I think personally if you want to be with someone you just fallow your heart & jump in wiht both feet Me personally I would leave where i am burn whatver bridges & get to that person i long to be with . But thats just me

& i may not be the best person in the world for advice because i am cruzing this site that ota tell ya something
but i have always followed my heart run where the wind blows ya

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