I Cheated - Then She Cheated

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
I cheated on my current gf about 2 weeks into the relationship with my ex of 11 months. I love my current gf very much and i regret ever doing anything with my ex. I couldn't decide if i should tell her or not. I decided after v'day i would so not to upset her when she should b happy. (I made sure she didn't give me a gift). she called me the next day saying she cheated on me with her friend. i'm not sure wut i'm suppose to do.

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Male
Dump her

Did she cheat with her friend before you told her that you'd cheated? If she did then its likely that shes using this opportunity to get the guilt off her chest. You cheated/she cheated - you're both as bad as each other - so you should both talk about whether you want to keep seeing eachother and if so then decide exactly what the rules are - i.e NO CHEATING.

If she went out and cheated AFTER you told her, then shes doing it for revenge. Dump her - the trust is gone and she'll never be able to forgive you if she went to such an extreme to get back at you. And lets face it - shes a bit of a manipulative slapper.

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