We Broke Up - She Ignores Me

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female
My ex and I were friends since more than a year when we got together during the christmas holidays. During 1 month our relationship was great, until college started again.

She completely ignored me that first day, so I asked her what was wrong. She answered me that she was confused and didnt know why and what was going on, but that we should just remain friends, something she obviously didnt mean.

We were both hanging with the same friends for many months, so we constantly see each other. However since we broke up (about 1 month ago) shes doing incredible effrot to avoid eye contact. We barely say hi to each other, since I know she does not want to talk to me. I still love her and I know its not reciprocal, but I dont understand why she's acting that way.

My friends think she feels bad about what she did to me, but I dont really believe so... I dont really know what to do now.

After we broke up, I asked her why she was ignoring me so hard, but I didnt really get any answers. This is getting quite disturbing as we see each other everydays. I dont know what to do, and I can hardly forget her when I see her ignoring me so bad. As ive already tried to talk to her few weeks ago, I think it would be useless to try again.

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Forget the ex

She thinks you are in love w. her. So stop making her think this. She thinks that wanting to be friends means you loooove her. Please stop.

Just be short. And get yourself a new girl. And on't flant it...be cool. Or make one up and tell your friend with a big mouth that you sort of like this girl...but you aren't sure.

But, you know what? read this board there are a ton of great girls who would love to have your attn...find one!

Good lucky sweetie and forget the ex ... see what happens.

The Original Question and RomanceClass Answer

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