should I stay or should I go?

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female
I've been with my fiance for 9 months now and I am currently having his child. We live together and things were going great at first but now everytime he gets a day off of work we always argue. He always wants me to pick up after him and he always wants me to go the extra mile for him but he never pushes out any efort for me and im carrying his child. I want to make this relationship work for my child but how much can a woman take? I want to him to be someone he's not. Should I leave him and find someone new or should I stay and try to make it work for the child's sake? Please Help!

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Get a job

let me get this straight. You say every day HE gets a day off work.....hummmm. HE gets a day off work. So does this mean that you don't work? And you are complaining about picking up after him? If he works and you stay home you OWE it to him to be his personal assistant. He is supporting you and I'm guessing you have nothing without his income. Being pregnant is no excuse to not go to work. There may be a small window when you have to breast feed for six months but after that it should be hard to figure out a way to raise the child and work at the same time. Many people do this. But anyway since you don't work the house should be spotless, the suppers should be cooked and you should practically bow to him as he is taking care of you. He doesn't have to do this. And if you don't like how things are then you should get yourself a job and start trying to support yourself and the baby. I feel sorry for this man as he works his butt off every day for you and this child and you do nothing but bitch about how you have to pick up after him. If I were you I would stop your nagging and then maybe he would stop feeling so under appreciated. Its no wonder that he yells at you when you are home together. I would too.

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