I need help!

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female
Okay. I dated a very nice guy about a year ago. We dated for almost two years. I quickly jumped from that relationship to the relationship I am in now. Being in the relationship I am in now, I realize how much I adore my previous partner. Not to say that the person I am with now isn't great but he just isn't what my ex was. I now realize that my ex was pretty close to perfect for me, and the guy I'm with is perfect for someone else. My ex and I broke up because we pretty much grew apart. I was starting college and he was starting his career. He eventually moved to another state. I miss hime dearly. We are still friends and occasionally talk. We have in the past hinted to each other that we eventually want to be together. I'm just so scared that he is going to meet someone else. I'm in a relationship that I jumped into way to fast. I love my current boyfriend but I could not see myself spending the rest of my life with him. What do I do??

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Cracked Foundation

Don't listen to george.
You have to remember that everyone wants what is on the other side of the fence. You really havn't seen much of your other boyfriend lately so really you have forgotten what he is like on a daily basis. People tend to forget the negative side of people and only remember the good things. As long as your current bf is good to you what more could you ask for. Obviously people break up for a reason. What makes you think it will work out the second time? I think you should break up with your current bf and look for someone who you are happy with. It will be better to start fresh rather than build on an already cracked foundation.

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