I want her back shes my soulmate

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
Ive been with this woman for almost 1 yr 1/2 and we just recently had a baby boy who is now 3 months old. but up until recently our happy relationship got really unhappy not for me but for her. We were also roomed up with her mother and 2 other roommates man and woman. my fiance was good friends with the male roommate of ours. she ended up wanting to end our relationship because she was gettin strong feelings for my roomate. i was crushed to hear this and for the longest time she always told me she could never see herself with this man. after the many nights of crying and tryin to fix things with my finace we ended seperating and she ended up with my roommate over night. I cant quite understand why this happened but ive given up so much for her i have no family where i live at now nor do i have any close personal friends except my fiance and her mother. its been 6 weeks now since our seperation and its killing me not being able to see my son or her. i get my son every week once for an over night stay but i cant keep this up i really truely cant be a single father and watch my son grow from afar. how can i get her back? we were so much in love and i still believe we are but i havnt spoken to her nor will she open up to me, all i get is cold answers and that my questions are meaningless. what can i do?

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Make her pay!

What this woman did to you was heartless and you deserve better. What kind of a woman would start sleeping with a new man when she has a baby and a perfectly good relationship already. Do yourself a favor and go out and get a job. I'm not sure if you have one or not but if you do I'm guess it doesn't pay much. Maybe you could get a second job. You can meet new friends at the workplace and you can fight for custody of your child. Tell the courts what a heartless person this woman is. Make her look like the whore she is being. Then make them see you can provide for the baby better than she can and SHE has to pay child support. It seems like this woman is a real piece of shit. I would guess she has many skeletons in her closet that you can expose. Now is not the time to play Mr. nice guy and weight around for her to start loving you. She messed up and now it is time for you to make her pay! make her hurt like she made you hurt. This is what she deserves. You will get over this, I promise. I may take a year or so but if you start moving on now and try to improve your life things will just keep looking better.
The only way up from here is up.

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