Emotionally Cheating

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Original Visitor's Question from a 41-50 year old Female
Married for 17 years, three beautiful children. Husband loves me but is not "in love" with me...hasn't been since before last "make up" baby was conceived. I've been to counseling...for over 10 years. Therapist says one day I will realize that hitting my head against a brick wall is going to hurt and I will choose to stop. Husband won't go to therapy doesn't see a problem. We haven't had sex in seven years...not that I don't try!! He just isn't interested anymore. Thru fate, a guy I dated in high school happened to get ahold of me...he is married too but not happily. What started out as simple flirting back and forth has gotten to the point that I need to hear from him every day. He makes my heart soar. Don't know if we'll ever actually get to see each other...he's 1,000 miles away...but I have put in time, effort and too many tears in my "marriage" that I feel like I deserve to enjoy this attention from a beau from 20+ years ago...or am I wrong? And does wanting to have an affair make me as guilty as actually having one? Right now my marriage is nothing more than a room mate situation with children. We don't even sleep in the same room (we tell the children it's because of his snoring)...I'm so lonely for male attention...but I have NEVER really cheated...not yet. Please help! Any advice...and like I've said...I've been going to therapy for 10 years.

User Submitted Advice from a 31-40 year old Female
resend please

Tell my husband...what? That a high school romance from over 20 years ago has my heart pounding? That I wish HE was saying these wonderful things to me instead of a practical stranger? That an old boyfriend from high school, who is married, has me wanting to NOT be? You say to tell my husband I'm going to go see my old flame for a weekend and then go...what about his wife? How guilty am I for really wanting this "emotional cheating" to become "physical cheating" even if it never does? Please expand a little on your answers...I DO appreciate your time!

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