how to win back my ex's heart????

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 21-30 year old Male
so this is the deal. my ex and i have had a great relationship for 4 years and official dated for a year and half and it was AWESOME..she was my friends gf earlier and they broke up so we started talking later...the past couple of months i had been blowing her off a little(not on purpose) and she broke up with me 3 weeks ago. now she is talking to this new guy that she kind of liked earlier.. but she told me she wanted time and space? i was heartbroken and still am..i want her back so bad.. i told her i am changing and everything!! shes says time will tell and true love will find a way to work! but i dont want her to date tihs guy and im worried to lose her?

what is she doing and what should i do?

i told her today that im not playing games between this guy and i will not call her anymore unless she calls this a good start?

User Submitted Advice from a 13-20 year old Female
be confident

First of all in order to get back your ex you must not show neediness, desperation and clingyness, because the more you do that, the more she will push you away because it is such a turn-off for anyone. What you have to do is for them to regret breaking up with you by showing them the person you were when they feel in love with you. No-one falls for someone who is depressed or needy, they fall for someone who smiles alot and laughs because it is a complete turn on and gives off positive vibes which makes you appear approachable and attractive. Don't ring her at all, cut that out all together for a few days and see what happens, if she rings you that's fine, if she doesn;t leave it for a few weeks. The quicker you abrubtly stop contacting her, the more she will miss you and what you back because you're seen as more independant and strong. Never persuade anyone to back with you or reason with them, that WILL repell them away from you and you WILL lose your chances of getting her back. You basically have to do the opposite of what happens in all break ups and to appear confident happy and independant because that is the most atrraction girls love in a guy, even one's that are not remotely attractive. I fell for my best friend not because he was fit, but because he made me smile, we never argued and he complimented me but gave me my own space.
I hope this helps, goodluck.

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