I cant get over him and its killing me

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Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Female
I fell head over heels in love with a dear friend of mine four years ago. Since then we have dated, fought, loved hated, and had a very crazy friendship, He has hurt me a great deal along the way, He recently moved back into my town and started calling me again after a hiatus of us not speaking. A few months later and BAM found out he.s got a new girlfriend. I can't handle seeing him with other girls, so I told him I couldnt be his friend if he wasnt single. That is harsh I know. But that is the way I feel. Here's my problem. I can't get over him. He is the Love of my life, and he has made me the person I am in a lot of ways, and I can.t get him out of my head. I still feel hurt seeing him with other girls and I can't forget and forgive things that have happened in the past. Everytime I think Ive let go, something else happens that I relize I still love him. I am depressed alot. I go to school and have jobs and I am involved in a lot of activities and I have friends and hobbies. But this part of my life sucks and I am desperate. How can I get over him?

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Female
Better advice

I think that whoever this "George" is on this site is no advice doctor. In my opinion you are bored and created this site because you have nothing better to do. I have read almost all of your advice, I will have completed my masters in Psychology this summer and you have terrible advice to give to these poor people like this answer to her question. She needs to see a psych? Looks like to me hunny your young and in love and this doesnt go away, it may never go away. You just have to find a reasonable and healthy way to get through this on your own. It may take a long time but often life takes very interesting curves and twists. It may seem like he is the only one, (I have been there , havent we all?) truly, you must understand that he is not. He may be nice, handsome, creative, changed you in ways you feel you couldnt have done on your own. Just think, many people , friends, passers by will come along and change you, you may not even notice! The things that are good about you, you did yourself, you matured and this love is only a lesson, a great lesson that has taught you what you now want, especially though what you do not. There are many 'men' out there who will be your perfect match and it will not hurt this bad, think of love as a puzzle piece. Your piece will fit with another in this world. The LESS you look, the sooner he will come. The key is dont look, dont even wait, just DO what YOU do, what you love to do, read etc. Places, hobbies, things you love are the areas where you will meet a perfect match, they will have already shared the same interests. If you are not with him now, you will never be, you have to stop hoping. YOU are the one whos special, hes lost the prize, now go show someone else what you have to offer, someone who deserves it!Good luck!!

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