My girlfriend is an alcoholic

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Original Visitor's Question from a 31-40 year old Male
I met this really nice girl through a friend and we've been seeing each other for four months now. I usually like to take things slow, but because of our chemistry, things moved very fast. I learned early on that she has a drinking problem but is looking to stop. As a precaution, I prepared myself and told myself that I would leave if she ever chose alcohol over me. The first time she chose alcohol, I walked away and just about stopped talking to her. We only stayed together because she literally begged me and began detoxing. Things seemed to get better but she slipped up again and had a few drinks. Even though I have strong feelings for her and she has the same, do I get back together with her? I'm in the middle and don't know if this is something that will go away. As of this writing, we are not together and she is supposedly at a live in rehab. But she still calls asking for forgiveness and looking for another chance.

User Submitted Advice from a 41-50 year old Male
Alcoholic garbage

The notion that anyone would spend five minutes being a cheerleader to a drunk is absurd. Alcohol is a big problem but it is not your problem, it is their problem. They want to wreck their lives... let them. The best advice is give an alcoholic exactly what alcohol earns them... an empty worthless life. You can't turn a loser into a winner.

If you are dating a woman who is a third generation alcoholic you are just a doormat. More and more women these days are worthless drunks. If you have any self-respect, unload the alcoholics in your life. I had an x-girlfriend who was an alcoholic. Her mother died at 43 of alcohol and drug overdoes. Her brother was a sad drunk, got a DWI and killed himself with booze too. Her father was an alcoholic. You would think after living this first hand she would know better but they don't. They are broken malfunctioning machines that really aren't even human. It is only a matter of time before they get their DWI or even kill somebody in a wreck. They won't even care. They think the world is all about them. Show me an alcoholic and I will show you the definition of self-centered. I like to dump alcoholics hard to the ground. I tell it like it is. I love it when they get defiant because they know when somebody is on to them. Alcoholics are damaged goods. If you make a mistake of forming a relationship with them, kill that relationship dead and never, and I mean never look back. They will never change and they will undermine your life in disgusting cheap ways. They will wreck your reputation and bring disgrace to you. I pity anyone that would spend years trying to bring human garbage like that back to life. Let them rot alone.

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