She broke up with me, I want her back

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Male
ok here it is...I am 19 years old and I have been going out with this girl for almost two years now, she is 17 years old. Everything was going great, our relationship was perfect, minus the small fights that a normal couple would get into.

All of a sudden she decided to call it off and break up with me. She said that she is just afraid and not ready to settle down anymore and she wants to be single and be alone for a while. She said that she still loves me, but I don't know how to believe that. If you still love someone how could you break up with them? She said that she doesn't deserve me, and I am too great of a person. I love her to death and I dont know what to do.

People say that "if you let the person you love go and they come back then it was meant to be..." I can't believe that because how can you let the one you love go. You shouldn't let anyone go that you love I feel that you should try your hardest to keep them with you. I don't know if I am wrong? I don't know if tring to get her back is a lost cause? What should I do and if I should try to get her back how do I do that?

There was nothing wrong with our relationship and I have asked her numerous times if there was anything wrong and she said no? I have no idea what to do. Can someone please help me. I would like to thank anyone that could please give me some advice, I am heart-broken. Thank you

User Submitted Advice from a 31-40 year old Male
Wonder twins

i am a bit older and many might think someone who has actually lived with this selfinflicted burden for over 23 years. I GAVE MY HEART AND BEING TO THE ONE AND ONLY WOMAN FOR ME, i mean once you live through a relationship that each give undevided attention in all areas to. for me I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND THIS EITHER, why would you let someone go that you know really loves you. I call it a riddle i never figured it out till this year when wefound each other once again, i asked and her answer was I GAVE YOU THE ABILITY TO SHOW THAT I WAS TRULY THE ONE BY ME GOING BACK AFTER SHE SET ME FREE.. the issues between le, and ke were opposite social economic back grounds,minipulitive persons affecting her securitiy of us as one, mylack of really saying not no but h__l no! I AM GOING TO MARRY THE ONLY WOMAN WHO EVER HAS KNOWN ME THIS YEAR, if i would have known now all the correctly asked and answered questions pertaining to us i would have now been married for possibly over 20 years along with the only woman who ever really loved all of me for me.the fact is ifi actually asked her for her hand she would have delt with all the issues of others who were distracting her, MY ACTUALLY COMING BACK WOULD HAVE PROVEN WHATEVER THE OTHERS WHO WERE AGAINST US WERE WORTH THE STRIFE AND SLIGHT PAIN, IN RETURN WE AS ONE COULD STRENGHTEN EACH OTHER FOR ALL THOSE WHO CAUSED HARM BETWEEN US. lastly le would have ended the constant selfish deeds of a minipuliptive boy br, who to this day calls to stir the pot of years past. now I can finally end his affects and others to le and her wellbeing, not to mention each of us did marry and divorce others who we were led to believe were really into us as persons. neitherle or kehad children but now we are going to try LORD willing in his time..... PLEASE TO ALL IF THIS STATEMENT IS PROPOSED TO YOU, STOP TAKE A DEEP BREATH WRITE A NOTE AND MAKE SURE THEY KNOW YOU REALLY DONT UNDERSTAND, IF THEY INSIST THEN TRY AND BE PAITENT, THERE MAY BE OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED CLOUDING ONES MINDS WITH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND SELFISH LIES. THE ONE YOU LOVE WHO SET YOU FREE IS WORTH ALL THE TIME THEY NEED, THAT IS IF THEY TRULY FOR A FACT LOVE YOU... i WOULD HAVE WAITED A LIFETIME TO BE WITH MY SOULMATE AND IN RETURN PROTECTING ALL OF HER IN HONARAND LOVE. WONDER TWINS ACTIVATED!!!

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