He's my Third Cousin - We're Dating

We often have visitors write in with solutions to each others' problems. Here is a visitor's solution to one of our visitor's questions.

Original Visitor's Question from a 13-20 year old Female
The night before last, I was at my boyfriend's house and he had to take a shower. So I waited in his room and was sitting on his bed with my legs crossed. When he came in the room, we was wearing some black baggy jeans and no shirt. After he found his shoes and a pair of socks, he came and sat beside me. When he did, we started kissing and had one hand in my hair and was using the other to hold me. Then we started to lay down on the bed while still kissing and he had his hands all over me (even in the wrong places). He also was kissing and nibbling on my neck and lifted up my shirt half way and run his hand up my shirt. He also kept on unbuckling my belt and undoing my button. But we didn't go all the way.

He's also my 3rd cousin by marriage on my moma's side of the family and we both call our dogs Booboo. What was he wanting to do and does he sound like the one for me? Thank you!

User Submitted Advice from a 21-30 year old Male
Talk To Your Family

He's your third cousin by marriage. I take it then that there is no blood connection? If that's the case, I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are doing. As far as what he was wanting to do - you're going to have to ask him. He's the only one who knows how he is feeling.

But back to the cousin issue - what you need to think about is how your families will react. Are you willing to be with someone even though your family may feel shame? Or is he distant enough that no one will be bothered by it? There is no good answer to this question. You'll need to talk some of your family and see what they think.

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