Value Every Day - Jul 27 2012

This is an archive copy of one of RomanceClass's newsletters. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletters - they're free and informative! The link is to the top right of this page.

Happy Summer!
I apologize for not mailing for a few weeks. A dear friend of mine was in a car crash and fractured her pelvis. I've been visiting her. It's a good reminder to me to always make the most of every day, for you never know what life has in store for you. Also, let those you care about know how much you care. Give them a hug when they leave the house. Send them a friendly email. Life is too short to let things go unsaid.

What have you done today to make someone happy? Take a moment to send a friendly email. Those little touches are important in life.

Free Medieval Novel
I'm running a special on my medieval romance novel Lady in Red - it is currently FREE! Download a copy for yourself, and let friends know about it as well. We all love free books!

Lady in Red

Next Tuesday is the release date for my ninth novel, Believing your Eyes. All proceeds of all my novels benefit battered women's shelters. So keep your eyes open for this one!

Believing your Eyes

Origami Flowers
The first anniversary is the paper anniversary. It can be the first month you're dating, the first year of marriage, or any other first you choose to celebrate! Origami flowers are a perfect way to celebrate. Here are some photos to get your creative juices flowing!

Origami Flower Photos

Learn to Write for the Web
Finances are the number one issue in most relationships. Our tough economy is making it even rougher on many people. BellaOnline offers FREE training on how to write for the web and earn money. Would you like to help people with divorce questions? How about depression? Maybe you could provide tips on dealing with unemployment? BellaOnline actively has spots open in those areas and is eager to have you apply for the free training. Here is the full list of topics, plus the online application form -

BellaOnline List of Open Topics

Forward this message to a friend, because we all could use a bit less stress in our world!

RomanceClass Newsletter Archive

Japanese Love Kanji
Express your love with these gorgeous tote bags, tshirts and other items! The Japanese character for "love" is on a red background.