Saying Sorry @ RomanceClass -
So now I lost the love of my life

Well, What happened was is I was dating this guy and EVERYTHING was fine then we started spending more time together and I am guessing that we just got to the point where we couldn't stand each other and we started arguing and it just got worse...I hate when we fight, I mean I love him with all of my heart and I really want to be with him and I just don't want him to think that I am not cheating on him and one day we got into an arguement and we were talking on the phone and he said ''If you are going to waist my time then I am going to get off of here.'' So then I told him that if I am waisting his time then we shouldn't be together...So now I lost the love of my life and I really want to be with him and love him everyday like I used to.


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