What does she truely want?

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Visitor's Question:
My girlfriend and I broke up about a week ago. She broke up with me because of church and that she needs to get her priorites straight. The odd thing is, It was extremely random and out of no where. A couple days after the break-up, I tried talking to her online, and told her that I would always wait for her and I'm not going to give up. She said I was being stubborn and by waiting for her and saying I love her was only making things worse.She had said that she had no more feelings for me what so ever. So I stopped. A couple days after that I talked to her online again, and apologized and said that I WAS being stubborn and that it is fully her decision. I said I wanted to be the bestest friend I can be for her, if thats what she wanted. The next day, we confronted eachother out of no where, and started talking. Not seroius talk, but just "hows the weather?" sort of stupid talk for like 5 minutes at max.

Yesterday, my friend had told me that she was looking for me at school as if she needed to say something. I was at home so I couldnt talk to her. Anyways, Today at school I was at tennis practice, when she came to the tennis courts on the outside fence. She kept looking at me as if hinting me to come talk to her, but I looked at her and stayed where I was. After practice was over, she texted me on my phone and had said " why'd you ignore me? I just wanted to say hi :D" and I replied on my phone, "You seem happy now, thats good :) I dont want 2 say anything crazy, but I feel like I will and tahts why I ignored you. Because I still like you"

I havent gotten a text back after that. I'm not sure what she wants in our relationship. We're broken up but she comes all the way to the tennis courts to say hi?

The funny thing is. She broke up with her other ex because of church and "feelings died". Does she like me still? I still feel like theres hope in us. Its hard trying to be friends with the person you love. Knowing that every other guy that she likes is just gonna be a mistake, but then again hoping she finds happiness.

What sort of things can I do to let her know that I still love her, but without literally saying so she doesnt get mad/sad again. What can I do to have any chance of getting back together?


Our Suggestion:
Sorry but I don't think she still likes you from what you said.

A good thing to try is to contact her once a week for about 15 mins to see how she is doing, to let her know you miss her and make contact. This will give her the space she needs.

It doesn't look hopefull for you but who knows, it hasn't been that long since you broke up so muted optimism is in order.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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