what is going on?

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Visitor's Question:
hi there.

recently i knew this guy who is 10 years older than me. he is 31 and i'm 21. we've been communicating a lot over MSN and over the phone, and we would talk till 3am before going to sleep. he offered to give me morning calls on 2 occassions, of which he did deliver. he used to MSN me or text me "what are you doing?" at times whenever I come online, and sometimes he would do that as well even when he was at work being busy.

last week, we planned to stay over at his place, but he had to work and we only met at 6am. he had a deadline to meet which was on 22nd and 29th march, so he was rather busy. still, we met at 6am and we went to sleep together. i got intimate and i guess i managed to seduce him and before you know it, we had sex twice despite him being very tired. after that we both sort of regretted it and ever since then he never really talked to me anymore. i texted him asking him how he was but he never replied. it seemed that he was avoiding me but when i asked him about it, he said that i knew that he was busy with work and he was either at home or work doing work. i told him that i felt used cos his attitude somehow just changed and he said that he was scared of my attitude and that i was being possessive and overly sensitive, and he had bad experiences with such people. i told him in return that i had bad experiences with people who just left me alone after sex and i don't wanna feel that i'm being used. after that we never talked to each other, and he no longer texted me or called me as often as before.

my friends told me that perhaps he felt that things were going too fast so he avoided me or talked less to me so that he could sort himself out. i really like this guy and i don't wish anything to go wrong anymore. i really have no idea what to do or what on earth is going on. he claimed that he was not avoiding me and that he was just very busy.. but i'm sure there's time to text me now and then like before right? i really like him and i would like to know what's going through his mind and what i should do next, cos i really miss him and i would love to hear from him again without looking possessive or sensitive.. how???

Our Suggestion:
The 29th is only two days away.

Why not wait and see what develops once the work pressure is lightened.

You could contact him and congratulate him. Ask him if he wants to go out to dinner to celebrate.

If you are moving too fast, you will find out quickly. Ask him what would be a reasonable relationship for you two to have. Perhaps he is on a different page than you are. And, there is nothing wrong with that... as long as he is upfront about it and doesn't mess with your mind.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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