He acts like our relatioship doesn't matter!!!!

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Visitor's Question:
I just realized I am in love with my exboyfriend but He might not feel the same way I do. Everytime I am around him I get butterflies but he tries to act like he does not care about me that much.When we do talk he tells me how much he cares about me and wants to be with me. On the other hand, he compared my butt to my sisters( she has a big butt to him).He is always shy around me and wants to do the whole love taps childish thing. I am away at college for my last year and I want to be with him when I graduate. What do I do????

Our Suggestion:
Spend as much time with him as you can.

He obviously still likes you and if you communicate with him, trust him, and are affectionate to him your relationship will improve greatly.

Give it a try.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

Your Advice:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This form is not for getting advice!! This form is for adding your helpful note to THIS existing question. If you need advice, pleae read the Advice Pages.

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