Scared for college?

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Visitor's Question:
My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me 2 years ago out of nowhere. We had a very happy, healthy, loving relationship. He broke up with me once before, and I did the whole ignore him, not contact him, act extremely happy thing for 2 months and he came running back saying he loved me, needed me desperately and had been miserable without me. This time though, I think he may be breaking up with me because he's afraid of leaving for college in 2 weeks. I don't know if the same tactics as last time will work now that he's leaving. I know he still loves me and wants me. I never contact him, but when he contacts me I'm polite, and he tries to think of every excuse to see me, and still calls me beautiful. The day he broke up with me I told him how I felt and how badly I still wanted him back, and it made him cry, and he loved everything I said, but said he couldn't respond the way he wanted to. Maybe he's just being stubborn because he's scared? He always used to say we'd make it through him going to college and we'd get married. Can I ease his insecurities without pushing him away? I want to have him back, I'd do anything for him.

Our Suggestion:
It might depend on how he reacts to college.

If he is a party animal then he is probably gone for good... there is too much happening at college for you to compete.

If, on the other hand, he has a bad reaction to college... if he feels lonely, has trouble studying, doesn't make many friends then you will be a comforting home for him to come to.

Perhaps you could make a deal with him that you will call once a week for 15 minutes just to see how he is doing. This will let him know you still care and give you some contact.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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