it was my fault how do i get her back

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Visitor's Question:
My wife and I are seperated right now.I was relly mean to her and acted like I didn't want her. I really hurt her and made her fell like she was nothing.Well we moved to another city but work brouht me back home.Now the role has reversaed she tells me that she doesnt love me and that she is to hurt to be with me.We have 3kids together and last week she sent them back home with me to stay with my mom.She said she needed time to heall by her self.But all she does is sleep and go out on the weekends she doesnt get professional help for the pain.I love her very much I want to wait for her but she tells me she hates me,does not love me she cannot stand me. Then her friends and family tells me that its not true. That she looks sad and she wheres her weeding ring most of the time.She is always telling me not to pressuere her and to quit forcing her. Some imes she tells me to be patient and other times she tells me letss go get the divorce. I dont know what to do to get her back.

Our Suggestion:
Encourage her to see a professional counselor. Offer to pay the cost if you can afford it.

Always be honest with her when you talk, but be gentle and sensitive and avoid conversations you know that will make her very angry. Share your feelings with her to help rebuild the trust you once had in your relationship, and show her affection by complimenting her.

Do all these things in good faith and she may start to see you as the good man she once loved. Once the ball starts rolling that way, things may improve.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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