She says that the passion has faded, but I want her back.

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Visitor's Question:
My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years. We never fight and everything has been wonderful. I treat her like a princess and make her life as easy as possible. A little over a year ago, we got an apartment together. Shortly after our 3 year anniversary, she told me that she wanted to be "on a break" because the "passion has faded." I love her with all of my heart, and she says that she has only felt this way for a short time. Her family was completely shocked by her decision and everyone wants us to get back together. She says that when we kiss that she doesn't feel that "spark" that was once there. We are still living together because our lease is not up for 2 more months. We have still been romantic, but she claims that "sex is just sex." I really want her back, but she says that unless she has the feeling, that she does not think we will get back together. I think that what she is going through is just a phase and that the passion is not always going to be how it once was. To me relationships are like roller-coasters with many peaks and valleys. We are still completely honest with each other. I am pretty much sitting around and waiting for her, and she has been "going out and having fun with her friends." She told me that she has kissed other guys since we have been on a break and that she has the "feeling" with them. I am wondering if she will ever be able to get that same "feeling" back with me. Thanks for the advise.

Our Suggestion:
There's not telling whether the feeling will come back.

Waiting is the name of the game now. Perhaps she will discover that the feeling isn't permanent in her case. But, if she finds that out you probably will have lost interest in her.

If you want to try it find a licensed sex therapist who may help.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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