He disappeared....what should I do?

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Visitor's Question:
I was going out with this guy for about 6 weeks. We became serious about one another very quickly...after 3 weeks we were saying we loved one another. He was saying and doing all the right things in the first month...and then he started acting a bit erratically...not calling me or texting me as much, and one night didn't even answer my texts or call me back. When I became upset about this, he became VERY defensive and didn't reassure me at all. Just said that he was really busy at work during the day and didn't have time for "love stuff"...even though he seemed to have PLENTY of time the first month we were dating, so I don't buy that excuse! It seems to me that he said and did all the right things to get me, but once there he got freaked and decided that he really didn't want a serious, commited relationship...at least not with me. I tried to convince him that we had something worth holding on to, but he put up a wall and started avoiding me and even stopped calling me all together. I haven't called him in 2 weeks...although I did text him last week asking for some things back that I left in his house...and he never answered me! Is it over for good? He seemed so in love with me one day...and the next...GONE!!! Should I just move on? I don't want to...I want him to want me again! What should I do?

Our Suggestion:
It sounds like he was upset by something.

Perhaps he started having feelings of committment towards you and it scared him. You really haven't had enough time for a solid relationship. Perhaps things went too fast. And just as things came together too fast, they are coming to an end just as fast.

The least he owes you is an explanation of why he dumped you so quickly and why. I don't have much hope for this relationship, sorry!

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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