says one thing to me another to my friends.

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Visitor's Question:
I started seeing a guy a few months back, i hooked up with him at a party for fun but didnt think anything was going to go beyond that. he texted me the next day asking me on a date.. i made it very clear to him i wasnt going to be a booty call. the next month or so we got to know each other better and talked and spent all our time together. untill he finally asked me out. we dated the first month of school when out of no where he broke up with me. claiming he needed space. nothing had gone wrong in our whole relationship, it was out of NO WHERE. he told all my friends i was clingy and he couldnt deal with it.. so i left him alone. the night of homecoming he came up to me asking why we didnt go together telling me he missed me, he left with me and stayed at my house where we talked about everything and decided to get back together. a week went by and things were perfect again. i was sure not to get clingy and dint call him i let him call me, at the end of the week he came over on friday after his football game and the saturday didnt call me AT ALL. we met at a party on accident and he had told my friend he was being mean so iwould break up with him, so i did and we got into an argument, both went a little crazy then i stayed at his house all night, but nothing happened. we got up the next morning argued and promised not to speak to one another. a month went by he concentrated on football, i tried to get over him. last weekend he called me saying he was offering explanation to why we broke up.. telling me i wasnt good enough and he was sick of me. i hung up the phone crying and he called me back and said sorry after my best friend told him to and the next day texted me asking if him and a few friends could come over, i said sure realizing iwas already having people over. he came over and was a jerk as usual but pulled me aside to talk to me. he claimed he never met anyone like me and that scared him adn that he watned to be with me but he didnt want to do the he said, she said drama and watned to just start from the beginning as friends. i said ok and he hugged and kissed me goodbye. the next day everyone is talking about how he had been sayin gi went physco on him and wouldnt let him leave till he kissed me.. and that he has made it "clear as day" he didtn want to be with me and that i wouldnt "leave him alone" when i hadnt said anything to him. he also tried hooking up with his best friends girlfriend, who is also MY BEST FRIEND. and he wont answer my calls or texts or anything. i havent talked to him in a couple days but i still relaly care about him even though he is confusing. i want to know what he really thinks and idk what to do, how can i make him appreciate me and like me.. like he did in the beginning and get the truth and have him claim me in front of everyone.. and in fact even like me again.

Our Suggestion:
There is no way to figure out what's going on with this guy.

Even when you have reasonable conversations and everything seems good then he turns around and talks trash about you behind your back.

What would you want with a guy like that? My advice is to dump him.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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