I cheated on him & married his Friend

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Visitor's Question:
I was comitted to a guy for 4 yrs.it was'nt a very stable relationship but we had accepted each other. we had always desired to stay together whatevr may happen. We had no communication & understanding but gradually we accepted each other. we were there for each other in each other's worst times all these 4 years. He sometimes had hit me too, abused me too but after a lot of fighting we used to conclude that we cant stay without each other. I felt insulted by his friends & family members lots of times but it was going like this until I met his friend, who was mature, stable, gave me attention, took care of me&..
He liked me in first go.But I was very firm that I will not leave my BF,despite the new guy was caring, loving, understanding.gradually I started disliking my bf.things which i used to ignore initially started pinching me then. this new guy stayed near my place & I used to go there quite often,One night we ended up sleeping together & really IT WAS MY BEST time Till then.. I couldn't tell my bf next day,I cried a lot cos I had cheated him. after sum time I brokeoff with my bf & married the new guy. he cried inconsolably at that time. my husband & my Ex dont talk anymore. Its been an year but till today My husband has never fought with me,he's really nice & i luv him.he has been truly supportive, but sumtimes those bouts of guilt come to my mind. whenevr i learn that my ex is very upset & is taking antidepressants,I feel terrible.How do I cope with guilt? I'm sure that had I not married my current husband I wont have been happy ever but I feel terrible whenevr I think of my past. I feel I was inhuman to a guy who stood by me for 4 years.

Our Suggestion:
Well he stood by you for four years but he also beat you and abused you.

You deserve better than that and now you have found it. Don't spoil your happiness with these guilt feelings. They are natural but gradually you must give them up.

There was no communications or understanding with your ex. That is no way to live. It was not a good relationship and you were lucky to get out of it. Your ex will get over his loss.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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