He Ran Back into Her Arms

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Visitor's Question:
when me and my guy got together last year he had a girlfriend but they broke up. We were together like a couple. i mean he was perfect. i could talk to him about anything and he understood me.

We went through two pregnancies together one ended in abortion the other was a miscarriage. After a year together things got a little shaky. i was hearing stuff about him and the same girl he left to be with me. then he escorted her at some pagent and that was the last straw - i told him that i wasn't going to play another day being his fool.

not even 3 weeks later him and his ex was back together. at first it didn't bother me; then i started to remember him and all the stuff we went through and i wonder how could he give it all up. i still love him to this day and i don't think that will stop. it just kills me to see them together or hear about them. i want him back so much but its like he never even cared about me. everything reminds me of him, and it seems like their relationship couldn't get any better.

i just need to know a way to find out if he still has feelings for me? could i ever get him back? and why can't i get over HIM!!

Our Suggestion:
It really sounds like he was never fully over her, that maybe he used you on the rebound. And yes he loved you and cared for you, but she was always in the back of his mind. And when you guys started to have issues, he started talking with her again and realized how much he missed her. So he jumped right over there as soon as you guys broke up - maybe even before that.

Breaking up is ALWAYS hard. They write movies and sing songs about the pains of breaking up. But it is a normal part of life that we all get through eventually. We all break up sometimes. It takes a while especially with all you guys went through.

I have a ton of tips on getting through this period -


take care of yourself, give yourself time to heal. It'll all feel much better soon, and you'll find a guy who is really 100% in love with you and dedicated to you. And when you are in that guy's arms, you will look back and be glad that you were free of the ex, even though you did love him, because he wasn't nearly as good as the guy you found afterwards.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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