1 year and still want her back

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Visitor's Question:
well my ex broke up with me 1 year ago. we were together for half an year and she didn't tell me the reason why she broke up. she said i was her first true love and that she would love me forever. but easy come easy go she finally broke up and i made the mistake to run after her. now we have no contact anymore. i dont know what she's doing or how she's going. the last thing i know is she burned all the things she got from me and that felt like 1000 needles screw through my heart. i didn't get to know why she did so but in the last conversation she said that she never loved me. the contact is down now for half a year but i still want her back and don't know what to do. is there any possibility to get her back? I had some other girlfriends in the meanwhile but i didn't love one of them. i still can remember my exs voice and i want her back more than anything else. what should i do?

Our Suggestion:
I am sorry you are in this situation.

Unfortunately, since you haven't spoken in six months, that leaves it improbable that you two will get back together.

Here is something you can try... ask her if you can call her once a month just to see how she is doing (and to let her know you still care.) Ask for only 15 minutes of her time and you should be pleasant and cheerful.

Possibly her feelings against you have softened and something may grow between you again. It's worth a try.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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