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Visitor's Question:
I dont know much about contraceptives.
And every time i go to that isle in a store people look at me and whisper.
Its pissing me off, so i leave.
When i do get little time on my own to read whats on different boxes i dont understand exactly why i would buy one over the other.
Isnt there any regular type that isnt super thin, flavoured, biodegradable, heat act whatever?

Im just looking for something more reliable and basic.

Our Suggestion:
It can be quite confusing and embarrassing.

Do this: go to a big pharmacy like CVS. Write a note saying "I want to buy a reliable and basic condom, but there are too many choices and it's hard to pick out something simple. I want to buy a three-pack. Could a male pharmacist come with me to the aisle and help me select one? Thanks!!!!"

Give this note to the person at the counter, even if it is a woman. Believe me the pharmacists are quite used to this problem and are happy to help.

This will take guts to do, but it has to be done and once it is over you will be one happy fellow.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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