I can't stand him anymore...and I'm looking at other guys

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Visitor's Question:
Well I've been dating this guy for a year and one month and since our two months he's been convinced he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. That should've been a red flag and now I realize my mistake by not seeing that. Also, this guy is a complete ass to my guy friends because I guess he feels threatened and to my girl friends he's just annoying as hell. I liked him before, but he's changed. He tries so hard to come off as a hard ass and I can't stand it. His being clingy 24/7 and not letting me leave school before saying goodbye to him will make me late for work often. He's become so dependent on me aswell. I've tried countless times already to break up with him and he always violently reacts, starts yelling at me and things which my friends and family say that is a major red flag that he gets so heated. I'm starting to fall apart because with how I am I can't stand him being so hateful.
Everytime I've tried to break up, he's got me to rethink things and take him back. Even though the last time he asked another girl out immediately after our breaking up. It hurt but it pissed me off as well.
Well now I'm about ready to jump off the deep end and hurt someone. Because I no longer love him but can't break up with him and there's a new guy who I've already started messing around with. It seems like it's going to turn into something bigger so I don't know. I'm only 17 and want to live my life without a weight at my ankle.

-What do I do?
-How do I let this guy down?

It's killing me to make all of these decisions but I need to sooner rather than later.

Our Suggestion:
It's not easy, but you will have to be brutally honest with him (but nice at the same time).

Tell him you really liked him at first but then things went down hill. Now you have lost your feelings for him and have started having feelings for another guy.

This will cause him to be very upset, but you have to stick to your guns. You might want to tell the new guy you are going to do it so as to keep your courage up. It will be hard but you have to do it sometime... why not now?

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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