Should and how should I get him back?

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Visitor's Question:
My bf finished with me a couple of days ago. I know he is the love of my life and miss him terribly.
He went out with his mate two days ago and met a girl, then later that day started going out with her. I found out through friends what had happened and when i asked him he admitted it was true.
He asked if we could still be friends and i said yes.
I haven't heard from him since but i have found out that he has gone back to taking drugs like he did before he was with me. I think these drugs may be infulicing him.
I know that i want him back but how should i do that? I have not called him since we broke up.

Our Suggestion:
You have done well by not contacting him right away.

Let a few more days go by and then (say Sunday) try to call him to catch up on what you two have been up to. Tell him you miss him but don't be too mushy. See if you can get together to hang out.

Things might not work out between him and his new gf, so you will still be in the picture if you maintain contact with him.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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