She must be ICE cold or there's still something....

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Visitor's Question:
Hello Everyone,

I'll make this as brief as I can. I had a seven year GF cheat on me, I was crushed because I loved her, but it was a love that grew over time, like fungus,she was just a piece of dirt.

BUT, Then I met this beautiful, funny,(11 years younger,32-21)goddess,who, through a slew of circumstances, ended up in a different state.

I just happened to be going through my toughest financial time ever(job loss,failed business venture,med bills leading to bankruptcy....I know....boohoo), I was, admittedly, a bit upset about it!
Not severely depressed, but a more mature woman would have understood, I tell myself.

Anyway, what she couldn't figure out in her young brain was that all of my "pensive" moments that, in her eyes, were moments of me not paying attention to her, were actually moments where I was racking my brain to come up with a plan to make our life together a reality.

We were in LOVE! Ive been duped before, but we DEFINITELY had something special that we both knew. However, she knew it wouldn't work, didn't want to deal with my, "grown man" problems while she had mommy pay for everything at college.
OF COURSE, she met someone else.
She acted different,I knew.
But when she came to where I am 2 weeks ago, she said she only dated and we had sex and made out and professed our love and as soon as she got back,the news blew up.She had a man, they had been screwing.
MY Question is almost here:

I have not called, emailed or anything since.
She has tried to contact me about 5 times, all unanswered. I want her back, but I'm standing my ground, through experience. I want to profess my love right now,but I will regret it.

MY Questions:

She has to still have some feelings for me,Right?
If she called me and said, "I'm sorry, I was lonely, confused...etc.I love YOU only and I want you back."

I would accept that. I know I wasn't the greatest. I was a bit mopey, but I know what's important now.
Should I let her know this, or keep playing the "I don't Care" role?


Our Suggestion:
If you continue to play like you don't care, she may disappear.

That is your choice and only you can decide whether she is worth the pain that she has caused you.

Perhaps you should contact her and ask her if she is still sleeping with the other guy. If she is then dump her. If she dropped him then give her another chance. But, keep in mind that she may cheat again.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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