how do i get him back?

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Visitor's Question:
Hi me and my partner was together for 5years and we have been happy but just lately things have been a bit rocky. we have a 4 years old son together and i have 2 kids from a previous relationship. He told me it was over just before christmas but didn't leave right away then he went to stay with his mum for a few days and took two ov the kids with him, i know i did the stupid thing and begged him to stay which obviously didn't work. But then i found out while he was away he slept with someone else but then i also found out he was texting her before he told me it was over, what hurts is 2 days before he texted her he sent me a message saying that he loves me which is not unusual he always has been like that. Now i know i have not been perfect and i know what the problems are between us and all the problems are easily solvable but he just won't listen to me or even talk about it all he keeps saying is that it's to late, now he has moved back to his home town and looking at getting a flat, i'm so scared that it's totally over between us and i have no chance of winning him back, but i just know we could be happy again if he would just give it another chance, i could forgive him for what he's done- He is six years younger then me so he was 19 when we met and i was 24, but we got thrown into a family stright away and we never had time for us alone its always been about the kids and i think that is one of the problems. I just need some help on trying to win him back but how if he won't talk to me and if he did come down to pick up his son he's friends will be there so no chance of us been alone. What can i do?

Our Suggestion:
Hopefully he will tire of his freedom and start missing the kids and then start missing you.

Meanwhile, do something that will make you feel better and make him feel better. That is, work on yourself. You deserve the attention. Take care of your body (fitness, grooming, clothing); your intellect (know a little bit about the news); and finally, your emotions (be perky, sociable, and family oriented).

Now, you could think of many other things, but start off slow so you don't burn yourself out or get your hopes up too high. He will notice and that can't hurt. Make sure he understands that he has to provide you with child support so he feels the financial bite of maintaining two households.

Tell him you need to have some time to talk with him to straighten up the details of your life and when you meet keep it strictly to business.

My guess is that he will be back with his hat in his hand.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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