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Visitor's Question:
I had been dating my boyfriend/ex boyfriend for about 3 months now. I am almost 20 and he's 26 Two weeks ago his ex calls from his phone in the middle of the night asking me a bunch of questions. I ended up driving out to his house to confront him and he informed me that she was pregnant with his kid. They had hooked up right before we started dating. After hours of talking and him begging, I decided to stay and stick by him because I did and still love him. I thought everything was ok. About four days ago we talk on the phone and he informs me that they were going to try and work things out. This was completely out of the blue. Now they already have one kid together and he's 7, this will be baby number two and they had been together for most of their first kids life but never married. We also work together. I went to help him with an errand the other day well 2 days in a row because we were going to try and talk about things. Both times he still acted like were together and I was very standoffish. He still says I love you occasionaly and he asked to kiss me. He says he still has feelings for me and he can't answer me when I ask if this is what he really wants (him being with her) and I asked if he'd thought he'd be happy and he said i think so. I also asked him if she weren't pregnant would we even be having this discussion/ problem and he said no. The other night I drove out to his house again because I still don't know where I stand, he hasn't completely come out and said we're over and I still want to be with him, I just want to know if i have a chance. That too was never resolved. I ended up giving him my ring back and left. As I was leaving he sat on his front steps with his head in his lap looking at my ring and did so up until I was pulling out of his driveway which takes about 2 min. to get to the end of. I dont know how long he sat out there but I want to think that me giving the ring back is making him think about what hes doing. The next day I avoided him at work. I really want to be with him and we probably would still be together if she wasn't pregnant. Should I wait it out. If so what are somethings to not do or to do.

Our Suggestion:
I think you have started down the right path by giving him his ring back.

The seven year old and the new baby need a father. You can find a new boyfriend and be happy. You've only been dating him for three months so it should be reasonably easy for you to break away from him.

You won't be happy with yourself if you try to keep him from his children. So my advice is to let him go.

Good luck! George

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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