I Want my Ex Back

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Visitor's Question:
I went out with a guy for 3 years. About a week ago we both decided to break up. But now I think it's a bad choice. He's taking it seriously, although, he's been giving me all these weird signs.

I..I want him back, but I don't want him to think I'm desperate. What do I do? Should I try to act like if nothing and ignore the situation or move on? I asked him about it and he won't change his mind. He says that it's better off because he didn't want us hating each other. Please, help me.

Our Suggestion:
If you both decided to break up, something very serious must have been wrong. You don't just randomly break up with someone on a whim after 3 years. It had to have built up to that point after a long while.

It's always very easy after a breakup to idolize the great times and completely forget about the bad times. In the pain and loneliness of being boyfriend-less, you start to think, "He was actually pretty good! We had good times! Why did we break up!" And it sort of snowballs.

I would really give yourself time to get through the rebound period without leaping into anything - either back to him or into another relationship. Spend time on yourself, doing things you love, enjoying things you enjoy. Be happy with yourself. Once a month or two has passed, start being friends with him again. Just friends. Go out to dinner with him and just talk about the things that went wrong - what they were, why they happened. If you can really, honestly talk about those issues, you have a chance of at least being friends again and maybe being more. But if either of you leaps into a rebound relationship in the next month, or if you can't even talk to each other seriously about those issues even after a month, that's not a good sign.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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