Me and my Imaginary Girlfriend

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Visitor's Question:
About 2 months ago I broke up with my girlfriend, and now she is asking me out again and again, I had to make up some imanginary girl to make stop asking me out. Is this the right thing to do?

Our Suggestion:
O-ho-ho yes lying to people is only sure to cause even more problems. Now when she finds out you lied she will either go around to everyone making fun of you, double her efforts to try to date you again or both. My odds are on both.

If this girl is obsessed, it's very sad, but that is her issue that she has to deal with. Tell her No, never. Don't give her any sort of inkling that you could ever be interested in. It could be that you were being too nice and she kept thinking you still had some interest. Be polite and clear - you will never date her again. Eventually she will get the message and move on. But lying about things will never help.

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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