I still love him and definatly want him back

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Visitor's Question:
Me and my boyfriend broke up about 8 months ago after being together for a year. I still love him and definatly want him back. When he left to go back to school I told him if he left that things wouldn't work out which was really selfish of me but once he got back to college he just kind of stopped talking to me and I told him that if he wasn't going to give me everythig then it was over. I then moved away for a while and then back close to him in Jan. I told him how I felt then but he said he wanted to be friends. I used to have sex with him about twice a month even though he had a girlfriend but the past couple times he asked i turned him down. It's now summer and has been about 3 weeks since I've talked to him. He still thinks I have a boyfriend and I really havne't told him how I've felt since Feb. should I tell him again? should I wait for him to contact me? I don't want to push things, but I also don't want to miss an opportunity and regret not doing anything. Please help me? Thanks:)

Our Suggestion:
Unfortunately, it looks to me like he's moved on already and it's time for you to do so as well. He's not picking you up on the twice-monthly sex, which says a lot. He's told you he wants you for a friend. He's away at college and in a new environment that has nothing to do with you. He's moved on. You need to find someone for yourself who will be there for you and will be committed to you. This guy's not it. It'll be hard at first, but over time you'll look on him as a friend and be able to commit to your new guy.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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