I am not sure anymore If i love my boyfriend

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Visitor's Question:
I have been dating this guy for 2 1/2 years. I first cheated on him with my ex then he got over it. Then about a year ago I cheated on him again with a co worker, but I knew i didnt want to be with my co worker I wanted to be with my boyfreind. This past week I have seen this guy from school and cheated again. I am scared cause my boyfreind can go pretty pscyho. I like this guy in a way that he is so fine, and its different, its a change, he treats me like I am already his. but I know that its not going to work out. I am not sure anymore If i love my boyfriend. plus when I tried to break up with him before he threatened to kill hiself, so i guess i always felt stuck with him reguardless. I do have a lot of feelings for him, and do care about him, i know that he loves me alot, maybe I shouldnt give that up, because I feel like no one ever will love me that much. So what do you think i should do?

Our Suggestion:
The fact that you would cheat on your boyfriend says a lot about the state of the relationship. You want more than your boyfriend is willing to give you. And whether he ever will be able to is an open question. Are you prepared to cheat every year or so because he's not right for you?

You said he threatened to kill himself if you left him. This is not a valid reason to remain with someone, particularly someone who's not the right guy for you. If he threatens this again, then you should give him the numbers for the suicide hotline and/or tell him you're going to call 911 for him since obviously he needs medical attention. Do not let him manipulate you into staying with him.

You mention that you don't think anyone will love you as much as this guy does. Well, that's not true, since you clearly don't have the relationship you want with him. If you did, you wouldn't be cheating. If he loved you as much as he says he does, then he would be fulfilling all your needs, which clearly he isn't.

I think that you should break up with your boyfriend and find someone who truly does give you what you want in a relationship. It's the most honest thing to do.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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