Well my friend asked her our and she said yes.

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Visitor's Question:
Ok, i have liked this girl for about 3 years now. We are really good friends, like we can tell each other anything, and we aren't shy around each other. We flirt a lot. She told me that she has had this crush on one of my closest friends. Its hard for me to hear that but i want to be there for her. Well this year i couldn't hold back anymore. I had to tell her how i feel about her. I told her and she started to like me too but she still had strong feelings for my friend. We got really close and we were going to start dating but i was leaving to go on vacation for the whole summer which is about 2 months. She was worried that I would find someone down there. I told her that she doesn't need to worry. Well my friend asked her our and she said yes. So now im heartbroken and I cant sleep at night and its hard to talk to him or her without feeling that hurt. I dont know what to do. I dont know if i should keep trying to get her to be with me because she did say she likes me and we almost started dating. But now she is with him. Please help me figure out what i should do. Thanks.

Our Suggestion:
She sounds very insecure and probably went out with your friend because she felt you would find someone else. You can't fix her insecurity. Move on.

If your friend knew about your feelings for her, move on from them as well. If not, don't blame him.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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