I'm Jealous about Adult Movies

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Visitor's Question:
I get jealous very easy and it really bothers me, i ended up dumping the greatest guy ever because of it. I hate him seeing naked women or talking about other girls. I know it is really pathetic but i dont know how to control it. He is the sweetest guy ever and i know he loves me so much and that he never means to hurt me.

At the start of our relationship he used to masturbate to adult shows on the tv and then he used to tell me about it, thats when it really started. It made me feel as if i was not good enough for him. even after i ahd sex with him he still did it. After about 11 months he eventaully said that he stopped, but i always wonder if he really did. I hate feeling like this and its ruining my life. please tell me how to deal with this. He does not deserve to be treated this way and it hurts me knowing that i am hurtin him. Please help me.

Our Suggestion:
We have an entire online guide to overcoming jealousy -


You have to put serious effort into working on this. Jealousy can easily destroy even the most strong of relationships. Most women are jealous about real life women in their guys' lives - you're jealous over screen images! What if he just *watched* these movies - would you not want him to do that? Would you require him never to look at a movie that involved a naked or semi-naked woman? How about women in bathing suits? You can see how it quickly gets silly.

Men AND women like having fantasy thoughts. Women read far more romance novels with "heaving breasts" and such than men do! So it's not just a male thing. All adults do it. If his fantasies involve adult films, watch them with him! That way you both get excited and then enjoy each other.

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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