Wants girlfrind back

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Visitor's Question:
hey ok me and this girl have been dating since the end of june and we spent pretty much everyday together and we got along so well. then on august 16th she asked me out and i said yes and we started going out. ok well she goes to school and then goes to work right after that and gets off at 8 and she usually calls me everyday after work ok well about 5 days ago she didn't call me for 2 days so i called her and asked what was up and she said that she thinks we rushed things (she had a 2 year long relationship end a week after we hooked up) but she was the one to wanna start going out and now i really like her but she doesn't like me but i dont wana stop liking her if theres still a chance. Her friends say shes over me and she probbaly is becuz i found out that she likes her boss at her work. We got along so good and we really liked eacher other for a while but she said to her friends that things were diff and i was getting in the way of school and that we rushed things which i think was a lie. I usually never like girls this much i usually just date to date but i really started to like her alot and i dont want this to end so i wanna know what i should do

Our Suggestion:
I am sorry you are in this sad situation.

My opinion is that this girl is no longer interested in you and your chances are very low of getting her back. Especially since she seems to have developed feelings for her boss.

Your best hope is to wait and see if that relationship falls through and then call her and ask her to renew your friendship. Meanwhile, you should develop friendships with other girls-- this will make you feel better and may lead to a romantic relationship.

I wish you a lot of luck,

--Your Friendly Advisors at RomanceClass.com

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