she didn't want me to get a motorcycle, she said if I did she would break up with me right then and there,

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Visitor's Question:
Ok here is my story. I have been dating this amazing girl for a year and two months (my second girlfriend). At first the relationship was going great, very romantic and so on. But some where along the line we started arguing allot, it seemed that we argue more than we enjoy our self’s. My X has a strong igo and I try to work around that so that means I have to step down when thing go bad. To make a long story short, we broke up about one month ago and at first is did not seem that bad, but once I found out that she is dating I was very upset. So for the last couple of days I can not take my mind of her, I want to go back but it seems so complex, all the issues we had and all the changes she wants to see in me seem to be countless. She seemed that she would like to come back but after dating other people it seems like she is over, I asked her how could she after such little time has passed but she uses rebound as her excuse. Also if this help, she didn't want me to get a motorcycle, she said if I did she would break up with me right then and there, and after we broke up that’s the first thing I did, I went and got a bike. She also does not believe in love, but I think I am in love with her, because I do not know how ales to explain my feeling, I think about her 24/7...and I do not know what to do, plus to all of this she is leaving for two month for vacation and I’m not sure that I can trust her not to cheat even if we get back together.

Our Suggestion:
You are not taking your ex seriously.

She told you not to get a bike and as you said the first thing you did when she broke up with you was to get a bike. Now how can you expect her to take you back after you did that? It shows that you do not respect her.

You worry that she will cheat during her 2 month vacation if you got back together again. This shows that you do not trust her.

You need to think of your three worst faults (ask her for input if you want to) and then work your hardest over overcome these faults. Tell her you are doing it so it will prove that you can change. This might impress her enough to take you back.

However, my advice is to take the two month vacation as a break from your relationship. Use that time to get rid of those three faults. If you can do it there is a good chance for you.

Good luck!

--Your Friendly Advisors at

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